Waikiki Surf Night

Waikiki Surf Night

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sailing the Netherlands

Since 1993 the Netherlands and some little sailboats called 'Valken' have been an important part of my life. I've been 13 years old, puberty kicked in and boys became more attractive than they should or really were ... Once a year a big sailing camp took place in Sneek, a small city close to a water canal system that runs through the northern part of the Netherlands. And the next two weeks have always been the most important time of the year...
To celebrate youth, our sailing roots and dutch beer we have a traditional holiday trip each year. We go out to still rent the same little sailboats that have been the location for first kisses, overboard maneuvers and heartbreak.
The location is just perfect - we start in Sneek but we sail several hours each day and wherever you end up, it is allowed to tie your boat to the next pontoon, light up a fire and enjoy a barbecue. People are friendly and helpful and make it a perfect trip to the past...

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